Thursday, 10 November 2011

SX-70 + Impossible Project Silver Shade (Emulsion Lift TBA)

Guess what came in the mail today?

Isn't it just gorgeous? The fact that this compact foldable beauty was made in the 70s just takes my breath away. I was barely able to contain my excitement as I skipped up Queen St. Mall to blow $80 on two packs of Impossible Film.

Now, I know that Impossible Film is notorious for its temperamentality, and hence anticipated the learning curve, the warp-speed light shielding and obsessive-compulsive temperature monitoring. What I didn't expect, though, was that one 2-minute car trip in my mom's stifling dyfunctional 80's Peugeot would ruin all of the film.

As you can see, they turned a murky orangey-brown. Which is still pretty in a different way, but I expected a crisp, luminant black-and-white. See this Flickr group for the "supposed" effects of Silver Shade.

Nonetheless I still had a lot of fun shooting these 8 photos. I got 2 that were semi-acceptable, but seeing as to how this is my first time using the SX-70 and Impossible Film, that's to be expected.

I'm soaking one of those photos right now to create an emulsion lift. Hopefully it will turn out alright, and I will update later about how it goes.

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