Saturday, 15 October 2011

100 Years of Fashion: Fast Forwarded

A little something I found a while ago (sheez, I just realised I have a huge backlog of cool stuff to share)...

Loved the 60s, and the hippie flower girl dress had me giggling like an insane person.

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy - Hard-back-ing a Paperback


I came across this adorable website a while ago, just before the thesis rush period. The idea of renovating old paperbacks into pretty fabric-encased hardback was immediately appealing in every aspect; but for limited time and resources I had to postpone this marvelous project and set my nose to the grindstone.


Once I'd handed in the 12,000 word monstrosity on neurocognitive behaviour in attentional inhibition, there really was no more excuse to put this off. That and a good friend's birthday provided a perfect opportunity to indulge myself in all the cutting, embroidering, gluing and stamping I have yearned for in the past fourteen months.


It's not perfect, as I have very limited experience in bookbinding and the like, but I had tremendous fun working on this project. Five star reccomendation for anyone who has a bit of spare time on weekends!
